Office Hours With Financial Advisor Expert, Ryan Shanks
Join Ryan Shanks on the first Thursday of every month at 4:00 PM EST for Office Hours: a safe space where financial advisors have real, honest conversations and get answers to their biggest questions.
- How should I value my book of business?
- How do I know if it's the right time to make a move?
- Is it time to start my own firm?
How do I know if this firm is working in my clients' best Interests?
What is Office Hours ?
Office Hours is set in a secure, anonymous Zoom environment where attendees are encouraged to ask questions, or just listen if they wish.
Each month, we’ll come to the conversation prepared with trending topics, but ready to throw them to the wind if you have specific questions you’d rather discuss.

Who Is Ryan Shanks?
For the last 22 years, Ryan has considered himself a “Sports Agent to Financial Advisors.” Throughout his career, he’s witnessed firsthand how conflict-ridden the recruitment industry can be, and as a result, launched FA Match: a human-centric digital financial advisor recruitment platform that connects high-performing advisors with firms that meet their personal and professional goals. No hidden fees, conflicts of interest, or recruiter spam – just good people connecting with good people.